4 New Podcasts by Caribbean Women

smiling black woman with a mic 4 Caribbean Women Podcasts to Listen to

The Caribbean Woman’s Voice

Caribbean Women have so much things to say. And they’re using the power of podcasting to voice their opinions and share their stories.


This first edition of New Shows to Watch is reflective of the growing number of women generally and women of color specifically starting podcasts.

The New Shows to Watch feature highlights select new podcasts that are less than 6 months old but are doing their thing – sharing their stories and building their audience.

These Caribbean Women are telling their stories their way whether it is questioning social norms, speaking about mental wellness or interviewing entrepreneurs.

Coffee n Tea with S & L

Coffee & Tea with S&L

“Intimate coffee shop conversations with your best friend wrapped up in a podcast!”

Hosted by Lisa Laoye (Nigeria) and Sabine Guillaume Hayes (Haiti); Coffee n Tea discuss how they’re growing and developing as people while interviewing inspiring people along the way! New episodes are available every week.

Social Media: Instagram | Facebook

Digital Jamaica Podcast

Digital Jamaica Podcast hosted by Kadia Francis

Hosted by Kadia Francis, Digital Jamaica Podcast is dedicated to amplifying Jamaican voices in the digital and tech spaces in an effort to encourage other Jamaicans to explore these non-traditional spaces for economic opportunities. New episodes are available every month.

Social Media: Instagram | Twitter | YouTube

In My Head with JayBlessed

In My Head with JayBlessed

In My Head with JayBlessed is an introspective look on life’s vast topics, from a voyeuristic point of view. Jay Blessed is a Caribbean woman (Trinidad) having very real, very raw, very relatable human experiences. New episodes are available every week.

Social Media: Instagram | Twitter

The Ti Chez Ba The Podcast

Ti Chèz Ba The Podcast

The Ti Chez Ba The Podcast is hosted by Miss Soy Bamby Raquel Mawussia Nanourz who are of course, young Haitian women. As friends, their show addresses the experiences of young Haitians evolving in a social context which is often too conservative. New episodes are available about every 2 weeks.

What I love about Ti Chez Ba is that the description of the show is in Kreyol. This is important because I strongly believe that Caribbean Stories and Caribbean Podcasts should be reflect the diversity of the region. Not just diversity in culture but in language. Great job ladies!

Your Turn

Do you have a or know of a podcast by a person of Caribbean Heritage that has been launched for 6 months or less? Submit this form so we can add them to our next edition of New Shows to Watch.


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