Every month the Caribbean Podcast Directory is updated. And this article highlights all the recent additions and each show will have a “new” next to their names in the directory. Here are the newest additions:
Dreams Inspire Reality Podcast

Caribbean Heritage: Jamaica
Dreams Inspire Reality Podcast is a podcast for creatives looking to turn their dreams into reality with practical strategic steps from everyday people and entrepreneurs who are living their best lives possible. (Show added to Business & Careers category.)
Recess: Creative Convos

Caribbean Heritage: Trinidad & Tobago
Recess Creative Convos centers around the Caribbean perspective of the creative experience. From fashion to food and everything else in between. (Show added to Arts category.)
Serious Ting

Caribbean Heritage: Jamaica
Serious Ting is a show featuring informative and entertaining conversations and interviews, about daily living. (Show added to Society & Culture category.)
Sit Down With Suzanne

Caribbean Heritage: Jamaica
Sit Down With Suzanne is about showing others that no matter the circumstances they can remain positive, and learn something in the process. It’s about living and loving your best life. (Show added to Society & Culture category.)
Stush an’ Bush

Caribbean Heritage: Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago
Lime with queeribbean blackademics, Stush an’ Bush for their bi-weekly podcast on Caribbean happenings and overall mixup and blend blend, with a queer twist. Stush and Bush, two culturally rooted words, speak to class in Caribbean countries. Both characters engage in this podcast bolstering Caribbean Creole, and immersing listeners in Queeribbean vernacular, serving as a guide to the world of being both Caribbean and queer through their lived experiences coupled with queer and ethnic theories. (Show added to Society & Culture category.)
The Cashflow Show

Caribbean Heritage: Jamaica
The Cashflow Show talks to business owners and entrepreneurs about the origins of their business, successes, failures and their future in the world. Guests are also asked for their best piece of advice and what they enjoy doing in their spare time. (Show added to Business & Careers category.)
Submit Your Show
Got a Caribbean Podcast? Glad you’re creating content! Submit your show if it’s not already included by reading the submission details for instructions.