About the Host – Shamair Todman
Shamair Todman represents the Turks and Caicos Islands, but has paternal blood from Tortola in the British Virgin Islands. When Shamair is not podcasting she is designing and selling accessories via Tingz Nice – the namesake brand of her podcast, that fuses culture and creativity together through various means, be it content creation, instruction or handmade accessories.
About the Show
The T’ingz Nice Podcast (previously Nice-ish: A T’ingz Nice Podcast) has two episodes that drop each month (when it’s not on a season break). For 2021, episodes will launch on the first of the month, and once again before the month ends.
Why did you choose this name? What’s the significance?
When I chose my brand name I wanted it to be obvious that there was Caribbean flare. Thus, I removed the “h” from thing. Additionally, the public needed to know that anything presented from the brand or podcast would be with Caribbean flare.
What is the show about?
Honestly, this podcast covers absolutely anything that comes up as I go through this life journey as a Caribbean-American entrepreneur and carnival junkie.
In 2021 there will be segments within the show that will allow me to touch on various topics such as the latest Caribbean news, food, music and of course, entrepreneurship. It will have a radio-station vibe…without the music of course.
Why did you decide to get started in podcasting?
Starting my podcast was a way for me to expand my brand, and dive deeper into topics that were already being covered on my blog. I felt limited as a blogger and wanted to cover more ground. There was also a desire to incorporate different voices in my content; the podcast gave me that opportunity through all the guests that have come on the show.
Why did you choose this topic and format?
I don’t like to be confined to one area and prefer to leave space for growth. Modifying my podcast in this manner allows me to cover anything I want without feeling restricted, or guilty for having so much variety.
What has been the reception since you’ve launched the show?
Year one of my podcast received such amazing feedback! Some listeners wanted me to increase the number of episodes I drop in a month, which is totally not feasible for my lifestyle. My listeners especially enjoyed the gameshow episodes (#1, #2, #3) I incorporated once Covid-19 entered stage left.
Now that you’ve launched your show, what are you hoping to accomplish?
I’m really looking forward to creating content for the 2021 version of my podcast. I’m also excited to be a little more hands-off in the editing process since I’ve secured an intern to assist with the workload. Introducing new guests on the platform is also something I’m ready to do.
Who is your dream guest for the podcast?
Honestly, having any well-known soca artist on the show would make my heart smile. I’m not picky lol.
Podcast Experience
What’s one tip you learned before you started podcasting that was really helpful?
It was recommended that podcast hosts have a batch of episodes ready to go so that they wouldn’t be scrounging around trying to find guests or topics.
What’s one thing you’ve learned about yourself or your audience since you started?
I have learned that I do not care to edit anyt’ing! It was fun learning how to do it, but now that I’ve got the knowledge I don’t really want any parts of it… respectfully.
Describe your experience podcasting. What resources are available?
It’s been a fun and educational journey thus far. I love having another experience/skill under my belt and am eager to learn more. I would love for more quality music resources to be available (at a reasonable cost) for intros, segments and such. Maybe they’re out there and I’m just unaware. There are so many main stream instrumentals that I’d love to use but lawd knows my purse isn’t big enough for it.
What impact has podcasting had on your personal brand or business?
I’ve definitely captured the attention of those who didn’t quite have the patience to read through a long blog post. I’ve also been able to secure support from those who were eager to see me create more involved content and show more of my personality. By hosting guests on my show I have also obtained a larger following through the cross-collaborations.
What has influenced you the most to start a podcast?
I never liked listening to radio stations because oftentimes the experience felt recycled after 30 minutes of airplay. Once podcasts started coming out normal-normal I was hooked. I could pick what I wanted to hear at my leisure and actively listen while doing something else. What I love most about podcasts is being able to go back and listen to them whenever I want.
They are great on-the-go resources for information, which is what I felt my brand needed for that extra umph.
Other than your show, what are some of your favorite podcasts?
- The Peoples Party with Talib Kweli
- Black Widow Podcast
- Style & Vibes Podcast
- 1619
- Monogamish
What do you enjoy most about podcasting?
Speaking my mind… hands down.
What do you enjoy least about podcasting?
As I’ve emphatically announced already…I despise editing lol. I make it known to my guests that the goal is to make it through the recording without having to edit LOL.
What Advice would you give to other Aspiring Podcasters?
Just do it. You may think you need a whole bunch of fancy equipment to start but you absolutely DO NOT. A working computer, simple headset and access to some editing software will get you well on your way.
Fun Questions
What is the one thing from Caribbean Culture that you cannot do without?
It’s the accent for me. I love how my people speak. It’s so unique and rhythmic. I wouldn’t change that for anything. Hearing it makes me feel grounded and 100% complete.
Share a Fun Fact about Yourself
I was tricked into eating goat meat when I was a toddler. We easily had 30+ goats in our pen that my cousins and I would play with regularly. So it didn’t seem right to nyam dem, especially when I would be front and center watching their lil heads be chopped off. No thanks. Needless to say, ever since then I’ve gotten over the losses LOL.
Where do you see yourself in the next 3 months?
Geesh, this is such a complex question to answer in the height of a pandemic lol. I plan to be settled into the groove of mass producing my handmade accessories on a bi-monthly bases, while having a full stack of podcasts edited and ready to launch on schedule.
Where can the listeners find you? Website, contact info, social media etc.
Website: https://tingznice.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/tingznice
Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/tingznice
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tingznice
Facebook: https://facebook.com/tingznice