The Value – The Language of Business

The Value is a business show for entrepreneurs, business owners, and investors interested in building businesses that are ready to scale, investible, and highly valuable.

The show is hosted by Kevin Valley, a Chartered Business Valuator and business consultant who has spent over a decade evaluating companies for debt and equity investment.

During this time, Kevin found that while many business owners possess the passion and zeal to build enterprises that solve big problems and change the world, their business models and practices had common blindspots that prevented them from being attractive to investors, and able to command high valuations.

Kevin thus decided to use his voice to educate business owners at scale while working with investors to source profitable opportunities.

The result is The Value.
Do enjoy.

More About This Podcast

Mics (1)

Podcast Host(s)

Kevin Valley

Podcast Category:Business
Podcast Status:Active
Caribbean Heritage:Trinidad & Tobago
Podcast Location:Trinidad & Tobago

Where To listen

The Value – The Language of Business

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