SEON 180

This new normal that we have been forced to adapt to has impacted our mental, emotional and physical health. It has affected our professions and our relationships. Many of us have been stuck; suspended in neutral.

Join Leslie-Ann Seon as she navigates this new normal through frank, fearless, and fun discussions, with influencers, experts and other inspirational voices

Each episode is designed to help you get in gear, accelerate your engines and move into that new venture, new position or new mindset.

If you feel a little stuck, come along for the journey as we help to move you beyond neutral; to get you moving again, in whatever area of your life that you need to—at your pace—with information and inspiration.

Visit us on, follow us on Instagram, listen to us on your favourite podcast  streaming sites.

More About This Podcast

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Podcast Host(s)

Leslie-Ann Seon

Podcast Category:Education
Podcast Status:Inactive
Caribbean Heritage:Grenada
Podcast Location:Caribbean

Where To listen

SEON 180

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