Father and Son: A Star Wars Podcast

Ask Kerwin and Keith Yarde to sit down and talk about Star Wars, and they may take up an entire day. Topics range from discovering the cuisine served on the planet Tatooine to examining the emotional complexity of Darth Vader to deliberating whether clones have free will. This father and son team discusses their love and fascination of the space opera from breakfast to dinnertime. Now, they are sharing their conversations with a broader audience.

Launched in March 2021, Father and Son: A Star Wars Podcast is where Kerwin and Keith cover news, films, television series, and books based on a galaxy far, far away. It is a podcast for all ages, designed to be family-friendly for members across generations to listen and discuss together. From aficionados to newcomers, grandparents to grandchildren, this duo captures the interest of an ever-growing Star Wars community.

More About This Podcast

Mics (1)

Podcast Host(s)

Kerwin and Keith Yarde

Podcast Category:TV & Film
Podcast Status:Active
Caribbean Heritage:Barbados
Podcast Location:United States

Where To listen

Father and Son: A Star Wars Podcast

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